Friday, July 22, 2005

Final Draft 7 Professional Scriptwriting Win/Mac 46% Off - A $134 savings

Got the urge to be the next Quentin Tarantino? Or maybe you will finally get off your butt and write that screenplay or treatment you have been wanting to do. Well wait no longer. Final Draft 7 is just the ticket for your Hollywood screen writer career. It formats your script according to industry standard conventions. It's designed for movies, television episodes and stage plays (all have different formating conventions. It's completely compatible with the major word processing programs such as WordPerfect and MS Word. This version works on either one Windows PC or the Macintosh so it's good for MacHeads and Windows geeeks. It even has a text to speech capability if you need your screenplay read back to you in Stephen Hawking/Speak N'Spell monotone. Final Draft Pro is widely recognized as the piece of software you need to write your screenplay.

Product Links:
Final Draft 7 Professional Scriptwriting Win/Mac 46% Off - A $134 savings
Script & Screenwriting Software

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