All-Clad Copper Core 12-Inch Fry Pan
Customer Review: Stick resistant...........................?
The main review of this item lists all its attributes, well-made,copper core,even heating,usable in oven and even stick resistant. I suppose stick-resistant and non-stick aren't really the same thing. If the reviewer sauteed some gravel, it probably didn't stick, but everything plant or animal we've placed into this skillet has stuck. This happens even with the use of oils preheated in skillet. We're not gourmet cooks, so perhaps there's some secret unknown to us mere mortals, but stuck is stuck. Although it does look good hanging on that rack!
Customer Review: Simply the Best
You cannot beat All-Clad in the quality department. After using this pan for a week my family even noticed how my cooking was tastier. This pan does a fantastic job caramelizing meat and veggies. It heats very quickly and evenly. But it also cools very rapidly because the copper is a fantastic conductor of heat and cold. I like the copper core better because of the ease of maintenance. Just a little Barkeeper's Friend and it shines like new. The handle stays cool enough in most applications for me to use it bare handed. The sides are sloped just right to impress your friends with a little food flipping action. I've used it on both electric and gas stoves and was happy with the even heating of both. If you can swing the price you won't regret it.
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