All-Clad Stainless 10-Inch Fry Pan
Customer Review: It's an All-Clad!
Heard on the news that teflon may be a cancer causer, and since all my frypans had that teflon coating, and having eaten meals cooked in teflon for many years, I couldn't wait to rush out to get a "naked" one.
I'm in the process (slow) of changing over to the best in cookware, and already have some other All-Clad pots, so I decided to choose this All-Clad frypan as my frypan of choice for making my morning eggs (the cholesterol in eggs is taken care of by the lecithin also present, so eggs are healthy!).
I still have to get the hang of heating the pan to the proper temperature before I put the eggs in it, to prevent the eggs sticking (using olive oil to coat the pan) to the surface. So used to teflon cooking...
However, the pan itself is beautiful, balanced, and just the right size for one or two people or for sauteeing, and cleans up well. It's a joy to use.
Customer Review: The best
Cleans up easily. Heavy to lift but is an excellent pan. I purchased this pan for making gravy out of scrapings from cooking meat. I find that I'm using it for many things even in place of my non-stick pans.
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