Krona Deluxe Stainless Steel Egg Poacher and Fry Pan Set
Customer Review: Believe these other reviews and order it
I don't usually write reviews but this product has made me very happy and I would like to relay my thoughts on.
I just bought my 3rd one of these poachers. The handle is not a problem, the cups don't melt, it looks great. Its worth every cent i spent and it is a good wedding gift. If its not American made, it should be. Its a simple attractive product that does the job just the way I want it to.
My concern is that I don't see where we get replacement parts in case, in 20 years or so, I need to replace the lid or cups.
I know that I should get on board with the new Ivy league management driven companies philosophies that want us to measure their sub standard cost reduced products life span in nanoseconds so we buy more and more often and to keep our economic system healthy (i.e. line their ceo's pockets) but I've had my belly's full of that tripe.
OK I'll get off the soap box. So, it would be nice to know if we can get spare parts for at least 5 years.
So in the meantime, we should pass the word to buy this "reasonably priced" good product and reward the thoughtfulness it's design. With some luck, that should help to keep it around for a while
Customer Review: Now I Can Have Poached Eggs the Healthy Way
When I found out that non stick cooking surfaces caused cancer, I reluctanly put away my egg poacher and started looking for one that didn't have the non stick egg cups. I might add that I looked for a long time before I found this one. I highly recommend this stainless steel egg poacher to anyone who wants a product that not only cooks poached eggs perfectly, but does it the healthy way. I couldn't be more pleased.
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