Monday, May 29, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl (UMD Mini For PSP)

Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl (UMD Mini For PSP)

You won't need a bottle of rum to enjoy Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, especially if you've experienced the Disneyland theme-park ride that inspired it. There's a galleon's worth of fun in watching Johnny Depp's androgynous performance as Captain Jack Sparrow, a roguish pirate who could pass for the illegitimate spawn of rockers Keith Richards and Chrissie Hynde. Depp gets all the good lines and steals the show, recruiting Orlando Bloom (a blacksmith and expert swordsman) and Keira Knightley (a lovely governor's daughter) on an adventurous quest to recapture the notorious Black Pearl, a ghost ship commandeered by Jack's nemesis Capt. Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush), a mutineer desperate to reverse the curse that left him and his (literally) skeleton crew in a state of eternal, undead damnation. Director Gore Verbinski (The Ring) repeats the redundant mayhem that marred his debut film Mouse Hunt, but with the writers of Shrek he's made Pirates into a special-effects thrill-ride that plays like a Halloween party on the open seas. Aye, matey, we've come a long way since Jason and the Argonauts! --Jeff Shannon
Customer Review: The funniest thing ever to come out of a theme park
Yo ho, yo ho! A pirate's life for me!

With the sequel set to come out in July, I thought it was time I reviewed the phenomenal movie that is Pirates of the Caribbean. The basic plot is this: A shipful of cursed pirates possess a treasure that causes them to turn into skeletons whenever there's a full moon--which is, through an unfortunate mistake, every single night. They must return the treasure to break the curse. Meanwhile, Captain Sparrow holds a grudge on the Captain, Barbossa, and intends to get around the slight difficulty of the fact that he is unkillable. Orlando Bloom as Will Turner lusts after Kiera Knightly as Elizabeth Swann, despite the fact that she is enaged to Commordore Norrington, played by Jack Davenport who gives a great performance.

This movie stars two of today's biggest stars: Johnny Depp, in the performance of a lifetime, and Orlando Bloom, in a performance that is pretty much an afterthought. I originally watched this for Bloom, but the character I fell in love with was Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow. He based the character on Keith Richards, and it shows.

You should refresh your memory with a quick viewing of this if you don't want to miss Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest, which is coming out soon and promises to be one of the best summer movies. However, you'll soon find yourself watching it again...and again...and again...

The special features are nice, but the commentaries aren't that great. There are frequent long silences. The most interesting feature is the interactive exploration of a pirate ship. There are also some neat featurettes about the making of the movie, but none of the features are especially standout good. The main event is definitely the movie itself.

Drink up, me hearties yo ho!
Customer Review: How can you not love it?
I saw this movie for the first time about a week ago. It was late at night, but I was surrounded by my friends and we laughed along with every joke that Jack Sparrow told. The creepiness makes it even better, and the animated skeletons rock! Of course, Jack and Will aren't too bad looking either....

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