Calphalon Triply Stainless Steel 10-Inch Omelette Pan
Customer Review: Another great addition!
Picked up this to complement my ever-growing collection of Calphalon tri ply pans. And, like every other pan in this series, I have been very pleased!
Remember, use Barkeeper's Friend to keep the luster!
Happy cooking!
Customer Review: Another great addition!
Picked up this to complement my ever-growing collection of Calphalon tri ply pans. And, like every other pan in this series, I have been very pleased! Sautees, cooks, fries great. The 8" omelette pan is ok for one person, the 10" pan is great for a family. In my opinion, the 12" fry pan is much too large, so this 10" is just right. Additionally, the 3 quart saute pan lid will fit this pan (check my other reviews of the tri-ply series).
To the person who complained that "used it only once and its interior surface has discolored already." I cook regularly on a gas range, and it takes me several weeks before it starts to get discolored. That statement is like the iPod lawsuit of the guy suing Apple for hearing loss- of course your pans will get dirty with usage, it's not magic. Just remember, use Barkeeper's Friend and a Dobie pad (sponge encased in nylon net) to keep the luster!
Lastly, to the person that complained that these are not of the same quality as All-Clad, I don't see what the difference is. Compared with the All-Clad Stainless line, both use the same tri-ply on sides and bottom with aluminum core. The difference is that AC uses a metal that works better on convection ovens (magnetic), albeit is of worse quality than non-magnetic metals.
If you want to pay for overpriced All-Clad, go right ahead- the only one losing is you and your wallet.
Happy cooking!
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